Christina Watkins


Christina Watkins


Christina Watkins B.A. M.Div. teacher, soul friend, pilgrim, poet. I was born in Southern Ontario, Canada. Since I married my husband, who is a geologist, I have lived in Australia, Toronto, Mexico, Northern Ontario, Northern Quebec, Colorado, Arizona, and British Columbia. I have always and still do love to walk and hike and dance, listen to music and write poems, to read and go to the movies and attend theatrical or musical productions. I am a life long learner and life long teacher, I hope.

Poetry Books

Poems For The Journey

Poems for the Journey

This collection of poems tells stories about a few people and events which have been formative in the poet’s life. Carefully selected and told from the poet’s heart, these poems invite readers to consider their own personal formative experiences with people, places and events.
Poems Poemas - Christina Watkins


These are simple poems about significant feelings and the coming to new consciousness in a particular woman’s life. The poems invite the reader’s own reflections and also rereading. The way the poems are presented, Spanish on the left hand page and English on the right, enhance the wide spiritual and reflective circles of the poems.
Sky and Earth Cielo Y Tierra Book Cover

Sky and Earth Cielo Y Tierra

Sky and Earth Cielo Y Tierra is a collection of lyrical poems written in both English and Spanish. The languages face each other—one on one side of the page, the other across from it. 

In the Speaking of Your Name

by Christina Watkins

Sample Reading: Wind Whispers

A pantoum poem by Christina Watkins from her book “Poemas Poemas”

Sample Reading: To My Mother

A poem by Christina Watkins

Sample Reading: Close Together

A poem by Christina Watkins

Latest Media

This Week in America Podcast

Christina Watkins on This Week In America Podcast

by Ric Bratton

In the latest episode of This Week In America With Ric Bratton, Christina Watkins, talks about her latest books, “Poems for the Journey” and “Poems~Poemas”. These collections of poems tell stories about a few people and events which have been formative in Christina’s life. The poems invite readers to consider their own personal formative experiences with people, places and events.

Latest Blogs

After Christmas

After Christmas

This year, twice in the week before Christmas, our outdoor Christmas lights, which are set to go on at dusk, flashed on before ten in the morning and stayed on all day. It has been a dark, damp and cool December. The tension of this time broke as the days of Christmas...

Up From the Deep

Up From the Deep

Last week, I saw a video on PBS, on the program Nature. It is also on YouTube and is named Befriending a Sperm Whale. We enter the story of Patrick Dykstra, a videographer, and a female sperm whale. We see them hanging vertically, face to face, in deep water. Patrick...

Memories Past, Present and Future

Memories Past, Present and Future

A new year begins in September for many children and for all of us who love children and remember our own and our children’s September energy. There is movement coming. In Victoria, as I look over the Straits of Juan de Fuca towards the Olympic mountains in Washington...