This year, twice in the week before Christmas, our outdoor Christmas lights, which are set to go on at dusk, flashed on before ten in the morning and stayed on all day. It has been a dark, damp and cool December. The tension of this time broke as the days of Christmas and the light of the winter solstice entered our consciousness. Christmas arrived. Peace and trust in God’s promises were strengthened.
I have for many years appreciated that this time of Advent, the four weeks before Christmas, is a time of preparing for transformation. As usual, a flurry of shopping and welcome yet distracting parties with friends and family inserted itself into what we had hoped would be quiet times for contemplation, preparing ourselves for the birth and rebirth of God in us and the world.
This year I was again aware of the yearning in the hearts of people I spoke with who were hoping for this miracle in themselves and in their communities. People spoke of their efforts to surrender their desire for self-control. The hope is that we will surrender what we have wrongly prioritised above our relationship with truth and goodness and our Creator. It is very demanding work to surrender old habits that hold our hearts hostage. It is difficult to clear the space within us and within our communities that takes up the space the new birth will need if it is to be viable. Our hope, our goal, is that our emptiness will be enough to make room for the new birth.
We want the nothing within us to become the gift that is everything. We dearly want our hands to be open to receive this gift.
We fail in many ways to achieve this emptiness. The miracle arrives anyway. It fills us with gladness and hope that we will be able to nurture and protect this new birth. Our awareness that the miracle is gift fills us with awe. We realize we are all in this together. We say yes to the miracle of being given everything.
Part of the Christmas miracle is that we are better able to see ourselves as part of our world in our time. We are not anymore the babies we were at our births. We are grown- up people who can find ways to serve our hurting brothers and sisters who are made in God’s image. We are ready to participate in new ways.
Here are words that came to me as a gift over the past ten years. They fit into the beloved music of Gustave Holtz’s Jupiter from The Planets. The tune is known as Thaxted.
After a well celebrated Easter, many of us hope that we will lightly and also seriously surrender into awareness of our deep oneness with everyone and everything.
Billy Collins poem, Aimless Love, playfully dances us into possible scenes of transformed awareness:
Billy Collins’ poem reminds us of how joyful it is to join in the lives of fellow living creatures and even of things. We feel that creation needs our love at this time. Brian Swimme and other Cosmologists tell us that there seems to be evidence that the universe must have known we were coming. We dare to hope that we each were created with something needed at this particular time. We hope we have what it takes to see and respond to the signs of our times.
We know that we humans are able to imagine ourselves inside the lives of other humans in both their joys and their sorrows. Among the signs of our times are great joy as we come out of isolation because of the pandemic. Other signs of our times are suffering from famine, war, soil and water degradation, mental illness and so much more that is dangerous to, as Thomas Berry put it, “our made of earth community.”
This Spring I read two very clear and beautiful books by Albert Nowlan. In his most recent book, Jesus Today, Nowlan recognizes the widespread acute need and awareness of people’s need for spirituality. In Jesus Today, and also in his previous book, Jesus before Christianity, Nowlan convincingly makes the case that everything Jesus did was motivated by his compassion for people. Furthermore, Nowlan points out that, as compassion demands, Jesus thought of and responded to people as individuals rather than as groups or tribes of people.
Albert Nolan is a Dominican priest from South Africa who played a part in the church’s struggle against apartheid. Both these books which I read are helpful for anyone addressing the signs of a particular time. His focus is on the question of what can be done about the daily suffering of people. He says that Jesus was willing to die for his own conviction that individuals are precious and that, if we look at Jesus with open minds from the perspective of our present time, we will be at a good starting point for addressing the suffering of our time. Nolan addresses the urgent reality of our present situation.
Both books are as clear as a bell. They are fruit of Nowlan’s lifetime studies of Jesus’ deep communion with God and God’s creation. I hope we are able to advance our own deeper communion with God in oneness. We are working on this together.
I offer this poem, which I wrote in 1982, not because I think it is a good poem. I offer it because it came to me and has stayed with me. I hope some poems come to you and stay with you. I hope you honor your insights.
I took a course in American Literature when we lived in Northern Ontario. After reading and being smitten with Mark Twain’s novel, Huckleberry Finn, I had some thoughts and feelings about the novel’s two main characters, Huck and Jim. They were close friends but their social relationship and power in the community were not equal. Sometimes I identified with Huck and sometimes with Jim.
Jim, who in the story believed he was still an enslaved person, was naïve and gullible but was also honest and sweet in his friendship with Huck. Huck treated Jim badly and got away with it because he was a white boy. He painted Jim blue which humiliated Jim. He tied Jim up and sometimes threatened to ‘turn Jim in’ because Jim was thought to be a runaway.
But, Jim was blessed with natural intelligence. He knew that a storm was coming because of the way the birds were behaving. He recognized the two main fraudulent characters in the story, the King and the Duke, and knew it was best to stay away from them. Jim was stalwart in his friendship with Huck. He was a good friend. When the two boys were together on the river in the raft, just the two of them, they were both sweet and respectful of each other, good friends.
The boys’ friendship issues were more or less resolved at the end of the story. Jim had been given his freedom by Miss Watson and had not known it. Huck did eventually leave. He ‘lit out for the Territories.’ It was something he had thought about and talked about.
My two ongoing questions about the story are: What and where are ‘the Territories’ in people’s stories? And, are Huck and Jim forevermore connected because of their love for each other? I remember that the structure of metaphysical poems is in this order: remembrance, understanding and will.
Many poems are loosely structured in this way. For me, ‘the Territories’ in Mark Twain’s novel could represent understanding or, in more modern terms, consciousness. ‘The Territories’ could be Huck’s understanding that he will need space and movement in the world if he is going to’ grow’ into his true adult self.
In the case of my little poem, ’Witness’ and ‘Testiga’ on pages 22 and 23 of Poems~Poemas, the ‘will’ part of the structure of the poem would be my vowing to remain open to whatever newness I witness.
The insight is the importance of the freedom to be open to what is new.
Yesterday was Ash Wednesday. In the city where we live, priests and ministers were out on city streets this morning in the bitter cold offering to place ashes on the foreheads of those who wanted that for themselves.
The light in the morning sky is not bright here in late February. Here are the words said by the person who places the ashes: Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.
I expect that the receivers of the ashes are reminded by these actions and words that they are alive, and that whatever makes them alive is akin to fire.
The burning bush through which God confronted Moses in Exodus 3:1-4 is a sign that holy flames are not extinguished.
I wonder what we, who see ourselves as walking through Lent into what will be Easter, can find to fan the flames within us that help us walk through the end of winter, through a garden where betrayal happens, and a graveyard, in order to reach what we are hoping for. I also wonder how we can kindle holy flames in those around us who are our neighbors and families.
A large painting hangs in the stairwell leading from the front door of our home down to our studies and our recreation room. We have hung this painting in prominent places in our past four homes. We bought it in Santa Fe New Mexico when we knew we were moving from Toronto to the south-west of the US. This is the painting that receives more comments than anything else in our home. For me and my husband, this painting is a precious reminder of our hope for our participation in holy things which do not burn up.
The predominant colors in the painting of sunshine yellow and sand colored pueblo houses with air tones of pink and turquoise are reminiscent of the colors of the Sandia (‘watermelon’ in English) Mountains. At the center of the painting and moving up the mountain away from us is a single file of people on horseback. They are wearing brightly colored ponchos or what might be middle-eastern cloaks. The glorious light spreading out and over us from the pueblo-like dwelling at the top of the mountain gives the entire painting a glow that feels like glory.
The other features in the landscape going up the mountain are wonderfully open to our interpretation. The way up the mountain is steep. There is a dark shadowy strip which extends into brighter colors as it slashes across the path about one quarter of the way up the mountain. Someone told me that this could be an abyss. Perhaps the eye of the beholder of the painting sees what they need to see. Further up the path is a structure that some people have said reminds them of an open tomb. Further up still are groups of shadowy figures which may seem like groups of ancestors who are accompanying the other more brightly colored figures on their climb up the mountain. One person saw these shadowy mauve figures as possibly ‘the shining ones’ that John Bunyan, in The Pilgrim’s Progress, said could be seen by people in the higher vistas of the journey.
The artist who created this painting, which is called The Ascent, is B.C. Nowlin. Look him up on Google,–‘BC Nowlin Paintings’ and also see his website. Glimpse more of his paintings and hear him speak about his work. He says that his focus is always bright in the distance, a place he would like to view. He also says that he has always been, and he hopes that we too, are traveling for love towards a hopeful future. B.C. Nowlin is not an indigenous person. His family’s land formed the southern boundary of The Sandia Pueblo Reservation and he is steeped in both Hispanic culture and Puebloan Mysticism. He grew up in Alameda, New Mexico. He says, and I agree with him, that we are all tribal people
Look at the poem, ‘Towards Phoenix ‘ on page 10 of Poems Poemas.
The game of baseball has a special place in my heart. The crack of a bat connecting with a baseball invites dreamy memories.
In the 1950’s, when I was a young kid, my busy mother took me, just me, to watch baseball games in Labatt’s Memorial Park in London Ontario. I looked it up and see that it is the oldest continually operating baseball grounds in the world. My mother probably went to games there when she was a child.
My brothers and little sister stayed home with the housekeeper while my mother and I talked about the game, the players, the crowd, the fading daylight and the thrill we felt when the stadium lights flashed on.
I never played anything but school and neighbourhood pick up baseball. I was not a fan of particular players or teams. But — I have always loved the ‘laid-back’ look of baseball players. As I grew older I assumed that they drank beer together and slouched on sofas while they watched TV.
The other thing that I have always liked is the way time is mysterious in baseball. There can be ‘time- outs’ and, every year no-one knows when the World Series is ‘over’ till it’s over.
Below is the first sestina I ever wrote. I wrote the first part of it while I was studying theology and spirituality and our children were mostly at home with us. I wrote the last three lines, which make it a true sestina, just a few years ago.
Thoughts on ’ Building the Earth’ Most people would admit to hoping that the world will be a better place because they have been in it. Some people, perhaps most of us, desire to grow into the people love calls us to be.
So where do we look for ideas on how to build the world, the earth or the cosmos? Of course, we look to people we have known who have made a difference in our lives – our faith leaders and heroes, people in our families and communities and people whose books we have read. Their stories have allure for us and tell of allure in other people’s lives that helped people become who they were called to be. Our experience tells us that love heals wounds and is also alluring to us as we grow towards building new things.
One of my heroes is the Jesuit priest, Teilhard de Chardin. He talks about ‘Building the Earth’ in his book of the same name and in many other of his books. Here are some quotations I have collected over many years from lecture notes and books about and by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin:
‘We are one, after all, You and I. Together we suffer, Together we exist And forever will Recreate each other. Everything is sacred.’
‘The most telling and profound way of describing the evolution of the universe would undoubtedly be to trace the evolution of love.’ ‘Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution.’ ‘Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have created fire.’ ‘Driven by the forces of love, the fragments of the world seek each other so that the world may come into being.’ ‘We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.’ ‘It is our duty as men and women to proceed as though the limits of our abilities do not exist.’
I wrote a little poem about what ‘allurement‘ feels like to me. We feel the pull of being drawn to someone or something because there may be something we will do together with someone else or with a group that will help ‘build the earth, ’as Tielhard de Chardin puts it. My poem is ‘This One’ and ‘Este.’ It is on pages 26 and 27 of Poems~Poemas.~
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